Boon Geuze Mariage Parfait 75cl

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Yes 8% 75cl
Boon Geuze Mariage Parfait 75cl Boon Geuze Mariage Parfait 75cl
  • Taste:
  • The aroma is floral, musky, earthy, fruity sweet. The taste is earthy sour with citrus and dry floral notes. Pretty damn delicious beer. Spritzy carbonation. Lighter on the palate and very refreshing.

     98/100 => Read the comments and ratings on Ratebeer

  • Type:
  • Spontaneous fermentation, refermented in the bottle by the young lambic which contains fermentable sugars.
  • Color:
  • Pours a clear copper color with a white head of foam
  • Ideal temperature:
  • 12°C => 54°F
  • Ingredients:
  • Selected blend of 90% mellow lambic at least 18 months, 5% of 3-year pld beer full of character, 5% very young Lambic.
  • More info


Since 1975, Boon Brewery has been owned and run by Frank Boon, one of the pioneers of the authentic lambic and gueuze revival. But the first signs of the brewery date back to 1680, as a farm-brewery and distillery in the village of Lembeek. In 1860 Louis Paul bought the brewery to brew only lambic and faro. From 1875, he began bottling gueuze lambic. In 1898, Pierre Troch bought the brewery. But after the economic crisis of 1927, it came into the hands of Joseph De Vits. His son, Rene is renowned for the production of soft and fine gueuze lambic. As Rene De Vits had no children, he sold the brewery to Frank Boon.

Article number: FBB15032