De Cam Malus Domestica Lambicus 37,5cl

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Yes 7% 37,5 cl
De Cam Malus Domestica Lambicus 37,5cl
  • Taste:
  • Aroma is moderate malty, wheat, moderate to heavy yeasty, horse blanket, barnyard, leather, funk, grapes - apple - citris, sulfur notes. Flavor is moderate sweet and light acidic with a long duration, funky, farmhouse, grapes - apples, citrus - grapes, apple sweet - sweet malt, wood notes, balanced, dry. Body is medium, texture is oily to watery, carbonation is soft to flat.

  • Type:
  • Spontaneous fermentation
  • Color:
  • Pours clear golden with a white head.
  • Ideal temperature:
  • 6°C
  • Ingredients:
  • Malt, yeast, hops and water.
  • More info

Article number: FBBTM31867