Tilquin Oude Pinot Meunier 75cl

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Yes 7,9% 75cl
Tilquin Oude Pinot Meunier 75cl
  • Taste:
  • Aroma: Funky, grapes, grapeskin,. Taste: A lot of horse blanket and farmyard Brett funk, fruity, grapeskin, grapes, citrus. Minerals. Oak wood. Quite some tannins. Old hop. Moderate tart, light bitterness. Very well balanced, nice complexity. Medium body, below average carbonation. Dry mouthfeel.

  • Type:
  • Spontaneous fermentation
  • Color:
  • Slightly hazy reddish orange, thin off-white head
  • Ideal temperature:
  • 8°C
  • Ingredients:
  • malt, yeast, hops and water.
  • More info

Article number: FBBDG162